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previous page  There are 1894 horse ads, showing 51 to 75.   next page

Black Beauty(this Friesian is For Sale)
Beautiful friesian filly was born June 19, 2012. She is solid black and has a wonderful personality...
2012-07-29 11:59:25 Horse for sale: Black Beauty
Horse for sale: Black Beauty

Apache(this Mustang is SOLD)
He is registered. He is good broke horse. Good on trail, we ponie race horses with him. He can pull ...
2012-07-21 16:25:16 Horse for sale: Apache
Horse for sale: Apache

Angele(this Friesian is For Sale)
Angele (Anton 343 x Geartsje (Onne 376)) is a 2008 Dutch registered filly. She has a big open trot a...
2012-07-16 11:52:38 Horse for sale: Angele
Horse for sale: Angele

Fetsen(this Friesian is For Sale)
FETSEN 2009 FHANA Stallion (Fridse 423 x Elisabeth (Tsjerk 328)) Here is your next dressage sporthor...
2012-07-16 11:35:22 Horse for sale: Fetsen
Horse for sale: Fetsen

Rindert(this Friesian is For Sale)
1997 gelding. Rindert is an excellent all around horse. He is in full training and learns quickly. H...
2012-07-16 10:17:52 Horse for sale: Rindert
Horse for sale: Rindert

Brownie(this Welsh Pony and Cob is For Sale)
13 yo Welsh Pony, rides English and Western and drives. Been shown and has won Grand Champion in loc...
2012-07-09 19:07:31 Horse for sale: Brownie
Horse for sale: Brownie

Miguel(this Andalusian is For Sale)
Beautiful full blooded Andalusian colt! Email for photos! Payments available!...
2012-07-03 09:24:24 Horse for sale: Miguel

Miguel(this Andalusian is For Sale)
Beautiful full Andalusian colt!...
2012-07-02 17:25:33 Horse for sale: Miguel

lane(this Andalusian is For Sale)
very healthy...
2012-07-02 12:05:57 Horse for sale: lane

Zachs Cowboy(this Paint (Solid) is For Sale)
Zach would make someone a great horse. No buck or bite. loads, stands for farrier and baths. Has bee...
2012-06-27 15:01:47 Horse for sale: Zachs Cowboy
Horse for sale: Zachs Cowboy

Joe(this Friesian is For Sale)
He is a lovely horse, and has been brought up around other horses, household pets and kids. He is we...
2012-06-11 22:59:54 Horse for sale: Joe
Horse for sale: Joe

Armed With Excitement(this Tennessee Walking Horse is For Sale)
Foal date April 2000, this black gelding is 14 hands. His registered name is Armed with Excitement, ...
2012-05-30 18:25:04 Horse for sale: Armed With Excitement

Girlfriend(this Tennessee Walking Horse is For Sale)
Girlfriend is a beautiful black and white medicine hat spotted saddle horse. She is very gentle and ...
2012-05-16 11:07:44 Horse for sale: Girlfriend

Sister(this Tennessee Walking Horse is For Sale)
This is Sister, she is a beautiful black and white medicine hat Spotted Saddle horse. She is very ge...
2012-05-16 11:03:55 Horse for sale: Sister

no way senoir jose(this Quarter Horse is For Sale)
no-no this boy is about 12 years old hes registered but papers are in a box some where he is free TO...
2012-05-10 01:02:38 Horse for sale: no way senoir jose

Two Smart Olady(this Quarter Horse is For Sale)
Broodmare only.. amazing bloodlines, registered American Quarter Horse Association....
2012-04-17 10:27:42 Horse for sale: Two Smart Olady
Horse for sale: Two Smart Olady

hannah(this Altai is For Sale)
we have two gypsy horse for good home...
2012-04-04 04:07:56 Horse for sale: hannah
Horse for sale: hannah

hannah(this Altai is For Sale)
we have two gypsy horse for good home...
2012-04-04 03:55:31 Horse for sale: hannah
Horse for sale: hannah

hannah(this Altai is For Sale)
we have two gypsy horse for good home...
2012-04-04 03:52:09 Horse for sale: hannah
Horse for sale: hannah

janice(this Irish Draught is For Sale)
gorgeous 6y.o. 16 h Irish sport horse mare. Lived on the same property since birth, super sweet, in...
2012-03-28 20:55:22 Horse for sale: janice
Horse for sale: janice

Dusty(this Quarter Horse is SOLD)
Dusty loves people and attention. He is good about hooves, vet work, loading, clipping, and he love...
2012-03-25 13:39:27 Horse for sale: Dusty

Annie(this Paint is For Sale)
Annie is a 5 yr. old, paint pony mare. She is 13.2hh. Annie is an awesome little mare and can do any...
2012-03-09 04:20:29 Horse for sale: Annie
Horse for sale: Annie

Socketts Silver Mist aka Sara(this Paint (Overo) is For Sale)
Sara is a quiet, well mannered horse she leads, clips, ties, bathes, loads, trail rides etc.. She ha...
2012-03-04 09:58:01 Horse for sale: Socketts Silver Mist aka Sara
Horse for sale: Socketts Silver Mist aka Sara

zouze(this Percheron1 is For Sale)
hes working on his ground manners now hes already loving and friendly weve had the saddle on him a f...
2012-02-27 17:41:53 Horse for sale: zouze

Ashqar(this Arabian is For Sale)
Ashqar is a Registered Egyptian Arabian beautiful Arabian he is not broken he is not mean he just ne...
2012-02-10 04:22:41 Horse for sale: Ashqar
previous page  There are 1894 horse ads, showing 51 to 75.   next page
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